Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Meal Plan

Hey Guys so this took a while to design, however thanks to an amazing team of nutritionists I have been able to come up with an awesome meal plan that can be used by non-vegetarians. As you will see the plan includes local foods such as Sada Roti. It's not an intense plan but one that can work for everyday life, and you can mix and change around some of the food to suit you schedule. 

All the best and let me know what you think of the plan. Happy eating



Snack 10.30a.m
Snack 3.30p.m
Bedtime Optional*
Scrambled Egg Whites
Whole wheat Bread
Fresh Vegetables
Herbal Tea with Low Fat Milk
1 Fruit choice, e.g. small Orange
Grilled Chicken
Whole Wheat Pasta
Cooked Veggies
Fresh Vegetables
Plain Greek Yogurt with or without fruit
Tuna Salad
Whole Wheat Bread
Fresh Vegetables
Herbal Tea
Low fat Milk
Whole Wheat Crackers
Oatmeal Porridge
With Low fat milk and dried fruits
 1 Fruit choice, e.g. small Pear
Baked Fish Fillet
Whole wheat Couscous
Steamed Veggies
Fresh Vegetables
Granola Bar
Chicken or Turkey Veggie Wrap
Green Tea
Low fat milk
Sautéed Tuna
Whole Wheat Sada Roti
Fresh Vegetables
Herbal Tea with Low fat Milk
Yogurt Fruit Smoothie
Grilled Chicken Breast
Brown Rice
Steamed Veggies
Fresh Vegetables
1 Fruit choice, e.g. 1 small banana
Turkey Burger Sandwich
Fresh Vegetables
Green Tea
Whole Grain Cereal
Low Fat milk
BBQ chicken chunks with Veggies
Whole Wheat Crackers
Fresh Vegetables
Herbal Tea
Steamed Fish Sweet Potatoes
Sautéed Vegetables
Fresh Vegetables
Fruit Salad
Chicken Salad with Croutons (toasted bite sized/cubed bread)
Herbal Tea
 Low Fat Milk
Whole Wheat Crackers
Egg Salad (Egg whites only)
Whole Wheat Bread
Fresh Vegetables
Green Tea
 1 Fruit choice, e.g. small banana
Roasted Turkey Salad with small whole wheat roll

Whole Grain Muffin
Grilled Fish with Veggies
Whole Wheat Pita Bread
Fresh Vegetables
Herbal Tea
Non-Fat Greek Yogurt

Whole grain Cereal
Low fat Milk and dried fruits
Vegetable stick/ Fruit, of choice
Soup, of choice*
Low Fat yogurt with Granola
Whole Wheat Sada Roti
Meat Patty
Fresh Vegetables
Herbal Tea
Chia Pudding
Breakfast of your choice
1 Fruit choice, e.g. small orange
1 Fruit choice, e.g. 1 cup Watermelon cubed
Steamed chicken
Whole Wheat Sada Roti
Steamed Vegetables
Green Tea
 Greek Yogurt

1.    Consume Tea without sugar.
2.    Ensure you drink water between meals and snacks
3.    At every meal ensure ½ your plate are veggies, ¼ Raw, ¼ Cooked or ½ Raw.
4.    Do not skip meals. Consume small frequent meals every 2 ½ - 3 hours.
5.    Avoid eating or drinking cold foods, it stimulates fat storage around the abdominal cavity. NO ALCOHOL
6.    * Do not use tastemakers/ salted margarine in Soup preparation.


  1. This is helpful. I think I'm going to try this next year when I start my diet. Thanks a lot Amrita
